Nicole Greenfield

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Creator / Nomadic Activist

Nicole Greenfield is a (Gen Z) Digital Nomad, Traveling Housesitter, and Progressive Activist from the US on a mission to merge her nomadic lifestyle with activism. Through her Nomadic Activist platform, Nicole leverages social media to not only share her nomadic experiences, but also shed light on important issues and mobilize others to take action. With a background in activism and organizing, Nicole is dedicated to effecting change and empowering others to join her mission to make a difference, no matter where they are in the world.

(Currently working to establish Nomadic Activist as an organization, focused on fostering a transnational community of mission-driven location-independent individuals (e.g., remote workers, digital nomads, activists) and providing resources for those who want to make a difference in their community or abroad.) ( coming soon)

June 4, 2024

The One Thing 97% of Expats Don't Do

If you're living outside of your home country right now (or planning to move abroad someday), this episode is a must-listen! Tune in to hear from Nicole Greenfield, aka The Nomad Activist, a digital nomad and political activ…
May 28, 2024

How To Save Thousands of Dollars Per Year With Housesitting

Want to travel but not sure if you have enough money to do it? House sitting could be your key to traveling the world on a tight budget! Learn how from Nicole Greenfield, a digital nomad, traveling pet sitter, and activist!